Our research attempts to identify and resolve some of the most important legal and policy questions in the field of AI governance. This page contains a collection of our public-facing reports, academic articles, and working papers.

Our research is split among three teams, with each team owning one or more workstreams. They are:

  • 1. United States Law and Policy
  •           → Institutions and Procedures
  •           → Law and Compute
  •           → Liability and Insurance Law
  • 2. Legal Frontiers
  •           → AI Agents and the Rule of Law
  •           → International Regulatory Institutions
  • 3. EU Law


An overview of our current workstreams and research directions can be found here.

Make a Suggestion

We value your input on our research directions, and invite you to use our suggestions form to let us know about research topics that you think may be of interest to our team.

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